Overdentures Module

  1. Advantages, indications, clinical and laboratory planning;
  2. Patient information (communication with laboratory, pre-existing prostheses, etc).
  3. When to opt for a removable and fully fixed solution.
  4. Number of implants according to the type of overdenture and the jaw.
  5. Immediate loading of overdentures.
  6. Biomechanics
  7. Treatment plan
  8. Election of the retention system: what exists, axial fittings, bars, characteristics of the various systems, cantilevers in the bars, types of piggybacks, tests and protocols.
  9. Impressions and records
  10. Design and finishing of overdentures: type of overdenture, reinforcements, tooth assembly, type of antagonist, type of occlusion, maintenance, complications.

1200,00  excl. VAT
